I would like to use this article as a forum for discussion on IT band issues. We all know the textbook causes and treatment strategies for this problem, but I am interested in hearing about other’s true clinic experiences in treating this problem (what seems to work for you and what doesn’t) and your thoughts on the major contributory factors.
The one thing that ALL my current runners with ITBS present with is weakness in the glut med on the affected side. Most demonstrate poor stability and form during a step down test. Other factors such as structural abnormalities, tight hip flexors, hip flexor weakness, glut max weakness, and overpronation seem to vary between this current caseload.
I find that active release techniques targeting the vastus lateralis on the ITB and TPR/ART of VL, TFL and glut med seem to work well in releasing tightness of these lateral structures.
What do you feel works best for the acute irritation at the ITB insertion site? I do not typically use modalities, but I would be interested to hear if anyone has had good outcomes with certain modalities to that area, and if so what they are. What other things do you find useful in decreasing the irritation, acute/chronic symptoms of ITBS.
I am excited to hear your thoughts, opinions, and clinic experiences and for us all to share our knowledge to help improve treatment outcomes.
Krista Simon
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